Monday, April 20

oppressive heat

I would like to start this post by sharing the weather gadget on my Windows sidebar:

It is, indeed, 97 freaking degrees outside, and the NorCal kids down here in SoCal feel an almost certain death by sunshine looming in the distance. I really thought hard about what I could wear today, but came to the conclusion that anything more than a birthday suit pretty much ensures heat stroke.

Scorching weather aside, life has been pretty good awful. I momentarily forgot that I have three midterms this week. This is so reminiscent of Lowell Hell, except I never felt like my skin would melt off of my body in San Francisco. P and I spent the beautiful, sunny weekend studying for various midterms indoors. We did make a trip to Westwood on Sunday morning for the farmers' market, only to discover that the market has been permanently removed. Thank god for Trader Joe's.

So we didn't get anything from the farmers' market, but at least our dining hall has fresh fruits:

Is this sh*t bananas or what? They cannot seriously expect us to eat that.

On a different not, I recently received 16 emails in a row from the amazing D.Ho containing the complete High School Musical 3 soundtrack and Fearless, by Taylor Swift. I also got Taylor Swift's self-titled debut album from E (my go-to girl for all things music) last night. I don't think I've raved about Taylor Swift's wonderfulness yet. Her CDs are on constant repeat on my iTunes:

Seriously, though. Listen to this - "The Best Day":

Doesn't it melt your heart? If not, try this one:

I found it while I was looking for the Taylor Swift above. Feel-good warm fuzzies all around!

And a quick update before I go:

Indeed, the temperature has gone up 2 degrees in the time that it took to type up this post.


angie said...

LOL i have that exact same gadget on my desktop, and i noted the temperature with the same D: -ness. But i'm not from norcal, so i'm more used to skin-melting heat than you are, i'm guessing.

why did they close the farmer's market?! D:
and you should have told me you wanted taylor swift. I LOVEE her kekeke

enjoy the heat ;)

S said...

heyyy!!! dude there was a time when i listened to Taylor Swift's Fearless album all day long and didnt get bored at all for straight up 1 week? so damn good!
i love WHite Horse, Forever and Always, Fearless (of course), and Love Story!!!! haha The Best Day is such a cute thing too! Fifteen is just like a cute song HAHA
okayy i just made like a review on the CD xDD
HAHAH love ya! wish we could be at the beach together right now ;)
lots of love!! muah love you sis